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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Insta Friday 1/20


From left to right; top to bottom:

1. We're finally getting organized around here and putting commitments on a calendar!
2. Me with those boys of mine on the flight!
3. A sleeping baby boy.
4. Cheesecake! Nuff' said.
5. Little miss Kira's baby legs.
6. Coveting new baby clothes for my guys.
7. Ben strikes back.
8. A delicious dinner out!
9. Max happy with peanut butter on a spoon. His request.
10. SNOW!!
12. HUSBAND! (haha - Okay, I know it's getting old)
13. Tea and tummy time.
14. My new watch. Happy birthday to me.
15. BURGERS (I had to do that - those burgers deserve to be shouted about)
16. Ahh, Ben.

Linking up with Jeannette over at Life Rearranged!

life rearranged


Carly said...

Love those two sweet boys cheeks! So glad you conquered your fear of flying.

Emily said...

Ah Sophie, gotta love Sophie. Our little lady was a big fan!

amy said...

Cute fun pics! I just got my commitments on the calendar this week too! I understand. Have a good weekend.

Holly said...

Wow, you took a lot of Instagram photos! :) I really like your new watch. :)

Jeannett said...

love the little 'mummy' baby pic! :)

thanks for linking up!

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