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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Project 365 - Day 18 & 19

I did take pictures yesterday, but I took a little break from blogging last night for a little QT with Ritchie.

Day 18:

Ben - We enjoyed some outside time practicing his sitting (er...leaning?) skills. That little bugger is almost 5 months, I can't believe it.

Max - Inside. At night. Yuckin' it up all over the place here, but he's still cute so it's okay.

Instagram - My favorite mug ever (I believe it's already made an appearance here?) and little B enjoying some "tee time" as Max calls it.

Day 19:

Max - Sitting outside. I love his shoes :)

Ben - Enjoying his bouncer outside for a bit. Look at those lips!!

Instagram - Pining away at cute little boy clothes. Who said dressing boys isn't as fun as dressing girls? I would have to disagree...


Carly said...

I agree with your disagreeing lol Boy clothes are just as fune!

Patrick and Kimberly Gillette said...

Ahh, the new mini Boden catalog. I was coveting many of those pieces recently. :) Adorable!

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