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Monday, January 23, 2012

Project 365 - Day 21, 22 & 23

Confession: I took no pictures on Saturday. Whoops. I painted our bedroom. Then we had dinner with friends. We got home late and rushed to get the boys to sleep so pictures took a back burner that day. I made up for it by taking 2 rounds of photos today though. Even if I skip a day there WILL be 365 pictures of the boys.

So... how shall I do this? I guess I'll just show you 2 pictures for today and skip the 21st day.

Day 21:

Instagram - We were running late to dinner AND both boys were melting down. So, I took pictures of myself looking concerned rather than do anything productive. FTW. 

Day 22:

Maxton - Out to breakfast. Don't be fooled. He wasn't behaving himself one little bit ;)

Bennett - We put the toy on his car seat finally. Can you tell he likes it?

Instagram - Ben catches a glimpse of the exciting Niners Game.

Day 23:

Max - Playing outside earlier.

Max - Stealing my In-N-Out shake. I tried to tell him it was broccoli. He believed me but was wiling to try it anyway. After taking a sip he exclaimed, "It's a chocolate shake!" I guess I was busted.

Bennett - Basking in the sunlight on our bed this afternoon.

Bennett - Drooling in the sunlight on our bed this afternoon. :)

Instagram - Morning rainbow on my way back from dropping Max off at preschool.


Jessica said...

I love the one with the milkshake! Sounds like my kids...they will try anything that I am eating.

❤ Meghan said...

the drooling pic is so funny and cute!

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