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Friday, April 13, 2012

Insta Friday 4/13

Woot!! Friday, Friday! This Friday will be particularly exciting because we get our BRAND NEW COUCH!!! 9 1/2 years together and it's our first couch purchase. Pottery Barn, of course.

You'll be seeing it on IG, for sure! If you aren't following me on IG go ahead and do it! My user name is maxandbensmom.



1. My book from the gorgeous and wonderful Kelle Hampton arrived!! I read it in one day and want to read it again. She is so honest and heartfelt and makes me want to be a better person.
2. Just Max chillin in the car.
3. Little B's feet.
4. A shadow of some sweet hand holding.
5. I made this peanut butter pie for Easter to take to Ritchie's Grandparents' house. I had a small piece and wish I could tell you it was amazing. It was just eh.
6 - 10. A crap-load of pictures from us dying eggs. What fun that was this year!
11. My brother and me being goofy on Easter.
12. Ritchie and me being cute on Easter - haha!
13. Ben searching for more goodies in his Easter basket.
14. Ben NOT napping. His specialty this week.
15. Starbucks. The morning beverage of choice.
16. My interpretation of "cold" for April Photo A Day.

As usual I'm linking up with Jeannete over at Life Rearranged

life rearranged

1 comment:

Melodee said...

yeah for the new PB couch how awesome!!! I think I'm gonna order Bloom, just reading through her site, sounds amazing and inspiring:)

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